Guyana’s participation a must – WIPA president

By Rajiv Bisnauth

President of the WIPA, Dinanath Ramnarine

President of the West Indies Players Association (WIPA), Dinanath Ramnarine, on Wednesday said that ” WIPA will do anything in its power” to ensure Guyana compete at next month’s West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) Regional Four-Day tournament. Guyana’s participation in the February 3 to April 10 tournament seems to be in jeopardy, after the now defunct Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) and the recently implemented Interim Management Committee (IMC) released two separate squads for the commencement of training ahead of the tournament. Both squads were released to the media on Tuesday afternoon.

Ramnarine told this publication via telephone from his Trinidad and Tobago residence, that in the event of any shortcomings which will influence Guyana’s non participation for the upcoming tournament, WIPA will definitely play its role.

“WIPA will do anything in its power to ensure Guyana’s participation in the tournament; if we have to play a role we will definitely do it. WIPA’s interest is the players, and as such, if there are any shortcomings, WIPA will intervene because we want the players to play. WIPA will not stand idly by and see Guyana cricketers (being) debarred from regional tournaments or West Indies selections,” he said.

“The current Guyana Cricket Board is dysfunctional, and WIPA fully respects Guyana court’s ruling and to my understanding there is nothing like a Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), since the court ruling,” the WIPA President added.

The Honourable Chief Justice Ian Chang on August 22 last ruled that an IMC shall assume the administration of cricket nationally, in lieu of the Guyana Cricket Board.

The Chief Justice in his ruling also stated that “in the present state of affairs, while a legislative structure for the administration of cricket is desirable, there may be the immediate need for the minister responsible for sport to impose his executive will in the national interest until such time as Parliament can provide a more permanent welfare structure. The minister can take immediate interim remedial action while the legislature seeks to provide a more permanent solution.” Subsequently, on December 23 last, the IMC was established with former West Indies legend Clive Lloyd at the helm.

The IMC will be in place for a limited period of six months. During this period it would report on a monthly basis to the sport minister.

Upon completion of its work it will report on its major findings, make recommendations for the way forward and invite an authority with competence in electoral matters to hold elections for office bearers at both the regional and national levels.


Meanwhile, a fresh round of hostilities between the West Indies Cricket Board and the West Indies Players Association appeared to be brewing after WIPA slammed the regional body for not playing a more demanding role on Guyana’s current cricket crisis.

Speaking against the backdrop of the current situation, Ramnarine added that the WICB has failed to address the situation in its entirety.

“The WICB is not taking up the leadership qualities and it’s an indication that they need some guidance on how to run their business,” Ramnarine opined.

Ramnarine is of the opinion that the International Cricket Council (ICC) is being misguided by the WICB on Guyana’s current cricket situation.

A week before the start of the just concluded Caribbean Twenty20 tournament, Guyana’s participation was also in jeopardy, after the now obsolete Guyana Cricket Board had on January 5, advised the WICB that it was not in a position to provide a Guyana team for the tournament as a result of logistical and administrative challenges imposed upon it by the Government of Guyana.

However, the Conquerors were reinstated after an amicable solution was reached by the relevant stakeholders.

The Amazon Conquerors, two- time Regional T20 champs, finished the tournament with two wins and two defeats. They were knocked out at the preliminary stage.

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